Pantone has spoken: Viva Magenta 18-750 is 2023’s Color of the Year. This vibrant hue belongs to the red color family, and it also features currents of indigo and purple.
In a world that is increasingly tech-driven, the search for what is real and authentic is equally as prevalent. Viva Magenta is derived from shades found in nature and communicates a grounding sensibility. Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, shared the following insights into the color’s origin story: “PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta descends from the red family, and is inspired by the red of cochineal, one of the most precious dyes belonging to the natural dye family as well as one of the strongest and brightest the world has known.” Its rich pigmentation secures it as a new classic that will influence interior styles well beyond the year ahead. Keep reading to discover ways to incorporate the vigor of Viva Magenta into your spaces.

Harness the energy of the natural world with NVOLVE’s Archaeo wallcovering. Its subtle woodgrain pattern echoes the nature-derived roots of Viva Magenta, and the neutral colorways provide an ideal backdrop for this bold shade. Archaeo is 100-percent PVC-free, a hallmark attribute of the entire NVOLVE collection.

Design is a study in achieving balance: dark versus light, minimalist versus maximalist. Complement the vibrancy of Viva Magenta with the demure Fog wallcovering from the Taniya Nayak wallcovering collection. Choose from 11 patterns within the Fog color family, ranging from hand-drawn designs to bold floral motifs. No matter what pattern you choose, Fog adds a refreshing sense of calm to any room.

Seize the moment and make a style-forward statement with Zintra Print. Like Viva Magenta, Zintra Print’s expansive pattern offerings and colorways encourage self-expression, while the acoustic panels deliver proven noise-reducing performance. The combination of acoustics and aesthetic make our Zintra acoustic panels an asset in any space.
Trends come and go, which is why we strive to craft timeless, elegant solutions for any era. Ready to incorporate elements of Pantone’s Viva Magenta into your next project? Reach out to our Customer Care team today at to get started!